Sharon Johnson

Al: Who was your greatest influence growing up, either a family member or someone famous?

Sharon: There’s no one specific that comes to mind. There have been moments all along the way, when someone has touched me in one way or another. There was my grandmother Jennie Belle, certain teachers who cared when I was struggling and took the time to help me. Sunday school teachers, different friends, who cared and were my safety net and always had my back.

Al: Where do you write, inside or outside, and what kind of setting?

Sharon: I write everywhere. In my bedroom, sitting on the couch and outside, as much as possible. I often sit Indian style and always in comfy clothes.

Al: What are you currently working on?

Sharon: I’m currently working on five different projects. Three poetry books, “The Eclectic Poet & Friends” volume 2. Partners in Rhyme, which I’ve been working on with my friend, Ryan Baird, an amazing poet. And a poetry book that I’m writing alone. A new project, another collaboration that was decided upon with another wonderful writer just last week. Over the last month, I’ve been working with a brilliant male author, to be revealed in the coming weeks. The book is called, “Letters Away a Love Story." It’s about two characters named Jenny, who’s ten and Jacob, who’s eleven. They meet as young children during World War II, after Jenny’s best friend Anna moves away, leaving Jenny absolutely devastated. Unfortunately for Jacob, the boy who moves in next door, she hates him immediately. (Poor guy) A few months after they meet, he ends up saving her from drowning in a swimming hole, where all the neighborhood kids had been jumping into the water, with a rope attached to a tree. Soon after, things start to change between them and the hatred is replaced with friendship and eventually more. One month after they graduate from high school, they’re separated when Jacob is drafted into the Korean War. We see their love story unfold through a series of love letters, written to each other during their separation. It should be out by late fall.

Al: What is your favorite and what and what does that say about you?
Sharon: My favorite is cookies and cream. It says I’m a little vanilla with a twist (Bats eyelashes and smiles wickedly lol) 

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